Word of the week February 25

As part of my New Year’s goals, I’m attempting to read between 12 and 50 books. I’m currently on number four: “The City of God” by Saint Augustine. Why is this important you ask? Well, new internet friend, St. Augustine is providing a wonderful array of alluring vocabulary that I have a duty (President of the Vocabulary Club) to share with you.

Lugubrious- adj. “looking or sounding sad and dismal” (Oxford Dictionary)

Ang's Summer 09 061

Upon being handed Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans, her face took on a lugubrious expression. Her sister was forced to capture the experience.

Word of the week February 18

I have been called a walking talking encyclopedia, a thesaurus, a dictionary, and other variations of this theme; in keeping to form I’ve decided to introduce a word every week. Not because I think you’re in need of education, rather, I enjoy language. Please think of this as a present for your inner nerd. Mr. Bliss made me “president of the vocabulary club” when no such club existed and I take my imaginary duties seriously. Here is the first word that was entrusted to me:

Peripatetic- adj. “travelling from place to place, in particular working or based in various places for relatively short periods” (Oxford Dictionaries)

Longsheng, Guangxi, China

Longsheng, Guangxi, China

Look! Here I am in China! This is at the beginning of our never-ending, waterlogged, slippery-rocked, “please God don’t let me die here” trek. You can’t see it but I’m smiling and flashing peace signs.

In a sentence (or two)- You are a peripatetic young lady, quite like a particular Nazarene in that sense; you and He never quite seem(ed) to stay in one place for long.