Word of the week June 3rd

I read Anna Karenina in March and very much enjoyed it. So, this one is inspired by Mr. Leo Tolstoy.

Jocose- adj. “playful or humorous” (Oxford Dictionary)

She watched her cousins play at being princesses and had to smile at their jocose game.

We decided Dr. Li selected me to be sacrificed in the caves at the end of our river trip. (Don't worry I survived)

We decided Dr. Li selected me to be sacrificed in the caves at the end of our river trip. (Don’t worry I survived)


Word of the week February 25

As part of my New Year’s goals, I’m attempting to read between 12 and 50 books. I’m currently on number four: “The City of God” by Saint Augustine. Why is this important you ask? Well, new internet friend, St. Augustine is providing a wonderful array of alluring vocabulary that I have a duty (President of the Vocabulary Club) to share with you.

Lugubrious- adj. “looking or sounding sad and dismal” (Oxford Dictionary)

Ang's Summer 09 061

Upon being handed Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans, her face took on a lugubrious expression. Her sister was forced to capture the experience.

Word of the week February 18

I have been called a walking talking encyclopedia, a thesaurus, a dictionary, and other variations of this theme; in keeping to form I’ve decided to introduce a word every week. Not because I think you’re in need of education, rather, I enjoy language. Please think of this as a present for your inner nerd. Mr. Bliss made me “president of the vocabulary club” when no such club existed and I take my imaginary duties seriously. Here is the first word that was entrusted to me:

Peripatetic- adj. “travelling from place to place, in particular working or based in various places for relatively short periods” (Oxford Dictionaries)

Longsheng, Guangxi, China

Longsheng, Guangxi, China

Look! Here I am in China! This is at the beginning of our never-ending, waterlogged, slippery-rocked, “please God don’t let me die here” trek. You can’t see it but I’m smiling and flashing peace signs.

In a sentence (or two)- You are a peripatetic young lady, quite like a particular Nazarene in that sense; you and He never quite seem(ed) to stay in one place for long.